Monday, November 18, 2013

Meal Planning Monday - A Week With Help

Yes it is Monday already. I am not real sure were my weekend went. I spent most of my Sunday in bed. I seem to have pulled the muscle in my shoulder and it hurts. Ouch..... So I am going to make this post short today. Here is my meal plan for the week or should I say my Hubby's meal plan as he will be doing most of the cooking until my shoulder heals. Thank Hubby!

I will keep my menu simple for him, while sticking to things he can cook.

Monday - Spaghetti & Sauce

Tuesday - Sweet & Sour Chicken with White Rice

Wednesday - Breakfast for Dinner <-- br="" breakfast="" dinner="" for="" having="" i="" like="" really="">

Thursday - Chicken Sandwich & French Fries

Friday - Pizza

Saturday - Hopefully I will be mended and I can make it up to my Hubby for doing all the cooking with Steak, Potatoes and Roasted Asparagus

Sunday - Crockpot Stew

As always if you are looking for some great ideas you can always check each Monday.

1 comment:

  1. These are great tips I could really use this system with me working evenings and my husband has the 2 kids so easier the better



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