Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Drive I-95 Review

 I was given the chance to read a book titled Drive I-95 by Sandra Phillips and Stan Posner. The book is excellently what the title says. The book takes you on a drive along I-95. It has great information about all the stuff you can see and due while traveling on I-95. Places to eat, places to see and many more. It is a book pack from cover to cover with great facts and some even more wonderful ideas for your travel needs. My family and I have been planning a trip from Florida to Connecticut. We decide that we wanted to be able to stop places along the way. So we have chosen to drive. Also with my husband condition he can not fly. After reading this book we have added some great stops to our trip. If you will be traveling on I-95 anywhere in the new future then this is the book for you. He is a little info about the book.

Drive I-95 offers easy-to-follow mile-by-mile maps showing services on each side of I-95: motels, gas stations (even 24-hr ones), restaurants, ATM machines, auto mechanics, supermarkets, malls, golf courses, campsites and pharmacies. Fun stories - history on I-95, museums, trivia, towns to explore or places for kids - will entertain and entice motorists to discover someplace new. The book is useful for family travelers (Christmas, Spring break or summer), seniors, salesmen, truckers, campers and RVers, University students and their parents, military personnel and people who live and work near I-95.

 If you would like to purchase the book Click Here The book sells for $23.95. It is well worth its price. 

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  1. This is neat! I used to live on the East Coast and all the trips we took from VA to Florida, we definitely could have used this book! LOL

  2. I appreciate the review of this book as I am planning to travel from NY to Florida to visit my son and I will take I-95 all the way south.



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