Thursday, July 28, 2011

Catch The Social Wave - Twitter & Facebook Follow Hop

Welcome to week one of the all new Catch The Social Wave Twitter & Facebook Follow Hop.


The rules are easy. To be in the hop just follow the hosts. We do follow back, just please leave a comment on here, facebook or twitter so we can follow and like back :) Also any and all Spam will be deleted! Only direct links to your facebook page and twitter account will be accepted. It is that easy.

Each week a facebook or twitter will be chosen to be the spotlight host of the week. It would be wonderful of you to "like" or "follow" them as well and stop by and say Hello! You never know it could be you.

Feel free to grab our button, Tweet or Facebook about this hop or grab the Hop code!

As this is week one there is no spotlight host. But we will be chosen one random person who joins in on the hop to be in that spotlight. Good luck! We hope you all make new friends.

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  1. Thanks for hosting the new hop!
    Following on Twitter @JulsB20
    Liked on Facebook as Julia Simpson

  2. Thanks! I added it to the Big Blog Hop Library!!!

  3. Following host on Twitter.

  4. I would like to co host with you some time, please let me know



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